Adel Shamsiev

System Analyst | Solution Architect
About me
Ambitious and driven systems analyst aka lead aka sometimes architect who will definitely bring value to the company



Techlead on the system analysis team

Central Bank of the RF Kazan


  • Participation in the creation and implementation of the core banking processing system
  • Interaction with related teams/contractors/customers
  • Designing integration interactions
  • Implementation of infrastructure solutions affecting the project architecture
  • Writing and coordination of documentation
  • Writing specifications to the development team
  • Analysis of new technologies and approaches to be introduced into the project


  • Implemented a specification template and described all project services
  • I implemented Kafka, starting from authorization of services in Kafka and ending with consulting and describing the logic of Kafka (kraft, replication, partitions, synchronization of node states, etc.)
  • Covered all services with log events and monitored their deployment
  • Initiated a change in architecture of several platform services

Head of System Analysis Department

BARS Kazan

I was in charge of organizing work in teams of various projects of the Unified Health Information System in BARS. There were 18 employees in direct subordination and a couple more teams in indirect subordination. Hired people, fired people, justified budgets to directors, etc. Was a "play trainer", in addition to managerial duties I was involved in the development and coordination of architectural solutions on the project. Organized and conducted system analysis training.


System Analyst

BARS Kazan


  • Development of new systems
  • Leading the analytics and development teams
  • Requirements management
  • Formation of TOR
  • Developing a specification for the development team
  • Sprint management
  • Employee training
  • Supervising the execution of documents according to GOST 34/19
  • Vision of UHIS products
  • Interviewing new employees for the position of Systems Analyst
  • Employee certification
  • Writing SQL queries
  • Building the database architecture


  • Implemented the most complex projects in the team under unrealistic deadlines
  • There is experience in building a team for new projects
  • Assembled and configured the work of 2 teams. The first team is a team of analysts, the second is a team of analysts, developers and testers
  • I am able to defend decisions that are beneficial to the project and argue against bad decisions imposed from the outside
  • Migrated 3 systems from legacy stack to modern stacks: php7 + angular10, including migrating 10 years of accumulated data from Oracle to posgres (hundreds of millions of patient registry records)
  • Developed 2 new systems in UHIS from writing ToRs to implementation and handover for maintenance



Doctoral Degree

Kazan Federal University Kazan
Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems
Systems analysis and information management

Master's Degree

Kazan Federal University Kazan
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Mathematics and Computer Science

Bachelor's Degree

Kazan Federal University Kazan
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics